Birds eye view of several young people

A Quarter Life Crisis?

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The start of anything new, including a new year brings change and disruption. For many this feeling is also attached…
Happy man celebrating in ocean


How much of your decision and thoughts depend on belief? Do you consider belief a strong enough position to make…
Mets, cheeses and bread

Meat or Legumes; Protein needs

Despite health and environmental concerns, global consumption of animal flesh has according to the document on sustainability by Impossible Foods…
Curcumin in various forms

Curcumin A Ubiquitous Spice

Turmeric is obtained from the dried Curcumin longa L. (ginger family) and is well recognised as a curry spice. Curcumin…
Scan of man's liver

The Gut-Liver Axis

The relationship between the contents, metabolites, barrier and immune response of the gut and organs and function in the body…
Older man staring out of window

Niacin to know yourself?

The unspoken concern of many people in their middle age is the loss of cognitive function, resilience and flexibility. If…
Woman lounging on lake dock

Changing Behaviour Unconsciously

If you have ever felt exasperated at the resistance to change in personal behaviour that would alter the trajectory of…